Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Ethics writing assignment: Privacy I (due 2/27)

Consider the following question, which we discussed in class on 2/21.  

When (if ever) is it right to intrude on another's privacy?  Is privacy a "right"?

Please provide your answer to this question in a post to this blog no later than 11:59 PM on Monday, February 27.

In your post, please contextualize your ideas in relation to Allen or Warren and Brandeis (the two articles you read in advance of 2/21).  

Please discuss how you could apply your beliefs about privacy to a decision you might make about whether or not to apply techniques that you have learned in our course so far, such as Google dorking.

[Also, don't forget to read the remaining two readings on privacy!  You can find them in my earlier post titled "Readings: Privacy"]

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