Monday, February 6, 2017

Social Engineering Task 2

My task was to get a stranger to let me borrow their phone. I accomplished this task while I was out at a bar with friends by asking a guy outside if I could use his phone to make a phone call because my phone was dead. As soon as the guy handed me his phone I saw that he was logged into his banking app and did not sign out before giving it to me. I used his phone and called my brother for a ride.

I think a lot of people are oblivious to their own personal information and security because while I had this random guys phone whom I had never seen before I could have transferred money from his account into untraceable account. I am very aware of my personal security and I always pay attention to what is open on my phone of I let someone use it. I have also found it useful now that my phone can require my fingerprint to log into certain apps or programs.

Someone could easily apply the tactics I used because I was at a bar and dealing with impaired people is easier than someone who is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This was evident when I was using this guy’s phone he only cared about talking to my friend and was clearly intoxicated.

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