Thursday, February 2, 2017

social engineering task#1

my task was to get someone to tell me what was on their card. I pretended to show displeasure with my task openly in hopes of arousing the curiosity of my classmates. luckily a class mate saw me and offered a trade. of course i asked what was in his card first before a trade could be discussed but he wouldn't reveal what was on his card. i walked away and noted he walked with me as i left the classroom. as we walked down the hall he pressed more for a trade saying i wouldn't have to do anything extra. i could tell he really wanted to trade his card which gave me plenty of room to press for what the card said thereby finishing my task. as we got to the parking lot i asked what was in the card while citing that no one was around to hear. finally we worked it out and he showed me what was on his card which was to get someone to trade with him. Seeing the mutual benefit in the trade i accepted and we both completed our tasks. i took advantage of his willingness to keep pressing knowing that the time limit for his trade would end once i got in my car. Today in a society where self gratification is at an ll time high, people are willing to trade and give a little more for the convenience of expediency. why wait in line at a bank when you can go to the ATM?, why cook when you can order out?. i can see how this can lead to hacking and how people would negotiate more freely to obtain things.

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