Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Law and Ethics

The Law i want to talk about is Travel Ban Law which is one of the executive order issued by the President of United States of America. The Travel Ban  Law is all about the Ban of Muslims people form Seven countries around the world.  President revised travel ban targets the same seven countries listed in his original executive order and exempts travelers who already have a visa to travel to the U.S., even if they haven’t used it yet. A senior White House official said the order will target only those same seven Muslim-majority nations, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan and Libya. Trump was forced to come up with a second order after federal courts held up his original immigration and refugee ban. So i want to talk something about that why somebody can disobey that law, one of the big question is why not because there are thousand or more than that people who spend their whole life in this country and their are lot of them who served for protection of this country like in military or navy, and their are lot of people who still working for the government in different ways. They also have same rights like all other people from different religion have. But their are lot of good peoples too and worked on this issue to make the situation appropriate and safe. Some Attorney worked to stop the Travel Ban and they won the war against the Executive order. So that all i want to talk about the Law and Ethics.


  1. Blue hulk, could you connect this to a link relevant to the issue you are discussing, and could you also contextualize it in relation to one or more of the readings (King, Plato, or Rawls)?

  2. Blue hulk, could you connect this to a link relevant to the issue you are discussing, and could you also contextualize it in relation to one or more of the readings (King, Plato, or Rawls)?
