Monday, February 6, 2017

Social Engineering Task#1

My task was: “Get a fellow player to switch computers with you”
Did I accomplish it? Yes
Here’s the evidence: My computer vs my fellow player’s computer:
I edited this picture to remove objects that may uncover my identity.


How did I do it?
I waited for the right moment to ask someone to switch computers with me when everyone was busy. I simply ask to switch computers and the person agreed to it. The toughest part was to take pictures without looking suspicious, so I had to be quick.

Application: I think this is a task that could be easily performed by someone already working for a company. It is easy to innocently let a coworker use your computer when theirs is “too slow” or “frozen”. Now, once someone gets a hold on your computer and logged with your credentials, you are putting in danger any confidential information related to your job and even your own job. Someone could try to cause harm stealing information from your computer and worst, logged in with your credentials. You could be blamed for whatever crime they commit or at least a suspect and/or collaborator committing the crime.

Ethical reflection: These type of actions can compromise an entire company, a coworker at least. There are many ethical issues related to this type of activity. One way of performing this task “in the real world” and “in a way that is morally right” is to do it for training purposes, to audit the security training the personnel of a company has or maybe to do their Ethical Hacking class homework. :P I would also say that if it’s to protect our country, in some sort of mission working with the knowledge of the Government. The Social Engineer has to lie, betray, possibly steal and then commit the crime they are looking to commit with the stolen information/data. A person engaging in the same actions and on purpose to seize someone else’s computer at work or school doesn’t have good intentions. Someone can try to do this at work to gather information that no one is supposed to see outside of work. Use the same information to sell it or plan an attack against the company.

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