Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Social Enginnering task # 5


To get someone to buy me something.




I was here at school when a former student who is a friend of mine came to visit the school. They said hi to me and then left for the cafeteria without me noticing. I messaged them to figure out where they were and when they told me, I made them feel like they forgot about me.

They still came back to eat near me and then I continued to make them believe I felt forgotten. They eventually caved after two other students joined in on the debate, and bought me a twix from the vending machine to make up.


The thing with how I accomplished this was that I was dishonest. I hadn't felt forgotten, and foremost I played with this person's emotions. I personally do not like those traits but in this instance I had to use them. Once I had started I had to continue it to finish the task.

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