Tuesday, February 14, 2017


My social engineering task was to take a selfie with a stranger's phone. to achieve this i would have to slowly approach the subject while in conversation with a stranger. a found a girl who was on her phone having a conversation in Spanish with what i could only guess was a family member at a dunkin donuts. i sat down next to her and asked about her phone which was a i-phone 7. she advised that yes her phone was an iphone y and we began compairing her phone to my iphone 6s i joked about drilling a hole for the ear phones since the iphone 7 did not have the ear phone connections and finally i asked her to see her phone and the quality of the pictures "because i heard the camera was so much better than the iphone 6 camera" immediately duck faced a selfie while she watched laughing, after asking her to send me the picture for "comparison" i finished my task i will print out the picture at school and cover my face with a sticker so that i  may post it on the blog spot. 

what i found out is that a smile and mutual interest can often times disarm a person's suspicion and grant you access to things you otherwise wouldn't get into. the phrase "you can catch more flies with honey than you would with vinegar" applies to the world of social engineering as well. calling a company and politely asking to be transferred to a CEO's secretary or getting a person to give you their password. 

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