Sunday, February 19, 2017

Ethics Assignment

In Febuary 26 2016, It was Apple’s battle with Justice Department  where the government was trampling on its freedom of speech rights by asking the company to write  a special software to get into an iphone used by a terrorist.
Freedom of speech is the right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S Constitution, to express beliefs and ideas without unwarranted government restrictions. Freedom of speech as you all know comes in many forms.

We can talk, we can write words, we can draw paintings, we can take photographs.

Software’s are written in codes and it was agreed by The Ninth Circuit Court software codes are also a form of speech when Eric Goldman a professor of Santa Clara University School of Law told that the question of whether software code is a form of speech or not was started in 1990’s where a student named Daniel Bernstein studying at University Of California at Berkeley who created an encryption software called Snuffle. He wanted to put that on the internet, but the government was preventing him to do that by using the law meant to stop firearms and munitions but the student argued his code of speech but after time The Ninth Circuit Court agreed the software has been treated as a form of speech. Apple argued that if software code is speech then the government can’t force them to do as they say as and help the FBI break into their iphones. Government can’t make you say what you don’t believe everybody is given equal rights says Attorney of EFF Andrew Crocker.

There is absolutely no laws that can force Apple to help the FBI and provide information of their privacy and products, unless congress could make some rules that might want Apple to co operate that could protect their privacy of their product.


  1. Dr Black Dynamite, don't forget to connect your ideas to King, Plato, or Rawls--one of the readings for this week.

  2. Dr Black Dynamite, don't forget to connect your ideas to King, Plato, or Rawls--one of the readings for this week.
