Monday, February 20, 2017

Section 2: Refusing or neglecting to depart or to assist in suppressing assembly or in arresting persons

Section 2. Whoever, being present and being so commanded to assist in arresting such rioters or persons so unlawfully assembled, or in suppressing such riot or unlawful assembly, refuses or neglects to obey such command, or, if required by such magistrate or officer to depart from the place, refuses or neglects so to do, shall be considered one of the rioters or persons unlawfully assembled, and shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars or more than five hundred dollars, or both.

This law shouldn't even exist, because it impedes on people's right to assemble and protest as well as free speech. There is no defining how a group can unlawfully assemble. How can people ask people to leave a public area? Also, if people who are instructed to help disburse the crowd refuse they are against the law even if they were not involved in the protest.


  1. Princess Lovely Pink, how do your ideas here connect to one or more of the readings (Plato, King, or Rawls)?

  2. Princess Lovely Pink, how do your ideas here connect to one or more of the readings (Plato, King, or Rawls)?
