Sunday, February 19, 2017

Ethics Assignment #2

In April 2016, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill to create a religious freedom law which makes it legal for people to "refuse to provide services to people because of a religious opposition to same-sex marriage, extramarital sex or transgender people".  The intent of the law is to protect the rights of those who are opposed to homosexuality because they now live in a country where same-sex marriage is legal.  The law protects "state employees who refuse to license marriages, religious organizations who fire or discipline employees and individuals who decline to provide counseling or some medical services based on those oppositions."  The Governor claims the he signed the bill into law "to protect sincerely held religious beliefs and moral convictions ... from discriminatory action by state government." 

In Excerpt from Crito by Plato, "The Speech of Laws", Socrates argues that in choosing to not leave the State after coming of age, the individual entered into a contract to abide by the laws and ruling of the State.  Based on this argument, in choosing to live in this country, US citizens must abide by the Constitution which provides the right to religious freedom and the belief that we have all have the right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness".  In denying someone medical services because he or she does not share your personal religious beliefs, you not only deny them the right to choose their own religious beliefs but also their right to life.  In denying a couple a marriage license because you believe they should not be together, is to deny their right to the pursuit of happiness.  Under these circumstances, when the rights this country was founded on are ignored, I believe it is just to disobey this law that protects them and punish those who have refused to provide services to others because they personally oppose their lifestyle.

Martin Luther King argues that an unjust law is a law that is “out of harmony with the moral code” and that one is justified in breaking unjust laws but must be willing to accept the penalty.  Therefore, according to King, those who feel that the law legalizing same-sex marriage goes against moral code, should freely oppose it but must be willing to deal with the consequences or, according to Socrates, accept and abide by the law or leave the country.


  1. Thanks, Commander Citron, for this contribution! I appreciate your precise analysis of the law you are discussing, and also your contextualization of it in relation to not just one but two of the readings.

  2. Thanks, Commander Citron, for this contribution! I appreciate your precise analysis of the law you are discussing, and also your contextualization of it in relation to not just one but two of the readings.

  3. Thanks, Commander Citron, for this contribution! I appreciate your precise analysis of the law you are discussing, and also your contextualization of it in relation to not just one but two of the readings.
