Saturday, February 25, 2017

Social Engineering Task 4

My task for assignment 4 was to get a picture of the house or car keys of another player. Unfortunately, I seldom come into contact with the other players throughout the week, so I was no able to complete my task.

The way I would have approached this task would have been to sit next to another player and wait for them to put their keys on the table, then snap a quick picture of the keys without them knowing. If I somehow knew the address of another player, I would just go to Google Maps and take a quick screenshot.

I think it's pretty self-explanatory how someone could use the techniques above to accomplish this same task. The information they would gain from taking a picture of someone's house would be that they now know where that person lives (using my approach; there are other approaches). By getting a picture of car keys, the brand of the car driven by the target could be found out.

I don't really see any issue with taking a picture of car keys, so no ethical problems there. Maybe asking for permission to take a picture of the keys would make it more acceptable. As for getting a picture of the house, if you were able to find someone's address without questionable methods, such as a quick Google search, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The target just has too much information public and it's their fault. However, if you were to follow someone home or go be obsessed enough to pay for a background check of someone online for no good reason, then that becomes a problem. Although paid services that background check may be legal, it still raises some red flags about someone if they aren't looking to hire the target or has legitimate reasons to do so.

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