Saturday, February 25, 2017

Social Engineering Task 5

My task for this week was to get another player to buy me something with a value of $5 or more. As with my last task, I was not successful for I seldom, if not never, see other players throughout the week.

How I would have approached this task would have been to ask another player to join me, or I join them, for a quick food/snack run and pretend to have forgotten my wallet.

My approach is straightforward and probably doesn't need further explanation. Information that can be gathered here is that the target may be a trusting and willing person, and may have trouble saying "no." A terrible person could use this for their own gain in order to get things of interests, such as food, from the target without ever expecting the target to want something back.

The ethical issue here would depend on the kind of person performing the action. If the person does get the target to buy them something, but repays them back in the future, or if the target insists on them not paying them back, then there is nothing wrong with that. If the person that got the target to buy them something now makes it a habit to forget their wallet and continually has the target buying them something, then that might be a problem.

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