Saturday, February 11, 2017

Ethics Social Engineering task# 3

Execution: This week's task was about getting a fellow player's shoe size while in school without asking them for it which i successfully accomplished.  

Narrative/method: I happened to have to go Macy's the same day i was assigned this task, so i had to think of a strategy to convince my fellow who then became a victim to accompany me to Macy's, since this fellow was very alert and felt i was determined to trick him and get some information out of him, i then stepped back and showed that i had no interest to acquire any information from him, a couple of minutes later he proceeded to me asking if i could accompany him to Starbucks located in Downtown Boston where there is a Macy's location, at this particular moment, i was certain that he built a sense of trust on me and started talking about topics that i shared interests with him, i chose a shoe of my size and the targeted person asked if he can try is to see if it fits him, luckily he asked without having to ask ( part of the task is not to ask them but lead them to ethically). he then said oh it fits then said my size soon as we came back to school, i made sure i took a picture of him. 
Application: These are techniques that come naturally and with patience, ethical hackers should however show no interests to the person targeted especially when insecurity begins to show signs. I learned from the previous class's game that the body language, face-to-face contact are not universal and these techniques can be learned as ethical hackers move on in the career as well as interacting with people of different nationalities.

Ethical reflection: The ethical issue raised while doing this task is actually taking a picture of someone without their consent or permission, although i had my weak excuse in case i am caught by the targeted person to inform them that this was a part of my assigned social engineering, oh well! i could have failed otherwise. I believe that the practice of taking pictures of others is morally wrong in certain countries, for instance, visiting some countries with a U.S passport of a foreign origin might have U.S laws applied on them overseas in a country where taking a picture without a consent is acceptable morally. 

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