Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Ethics Assignment

Situation:- US Judge Ordered Google To Hand Over Emails Stored On Foreign Servers FBI. 

Claim:- In August 2016, the search engine giant was ordered to comply with two FBI search warrants related to criminal investigations, but Google provided only the data stored on its US servers.So the government filed a motion to compel Google to hand over the rest of the information to the FBI.  

Argument:-  US government cannot force tech companies to hand over their non-US customers' data stored on servers located in other countries to the FBI or any other federal authorities. They have the right of their privacy. Last year Microsoft also won the case from US government of not  providing their information to FBI or others. 

Principle:- Online websites have their own rights and privacy too keep their customers personal information secure from unauthorized access so the government should not force them and go beyond their rights and privacy.

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