Monday, February 27, 2017

Social Engineering Task #5

My task this week was pretty simple considering not many people would expect to be followed on the street unless they are expecting it. however i have to admit probably due to my past employment i do i do look around from time to time and observe the people around me. My task was to follow a stranger for one mile. i chose a random person walking on the main street, i immediately noticed the person had earphones on and wasn't looking around at all. Traffic was slow making keeping up with him easy. if traffic ever moved faster i would pull ahead and park on the side and wait for him to move ahead again.

This task, much like intelligence gathering is one of several trade crafts learned in the field of intelligence gathering. learning your target's travel routes and routines. Humans by nature are creatures of habit so a person can easily learn a lot. By following a target you know his favorite place to stop along his route, where he lives, how long it takes him to get from one point to another,etc. Surveillance is crucial when conducting social engineering.

Since following a person isn't illegal, i don't see any ethical dilemmas in the use of this social engineering tactic.

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