Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Social Engineering Task #4

My social engineering task was to fake that I had an injury to a fellow player to gain sympathy. I was successful in completing this task.

I took advantage of the fact I meet some fellow players just before class. On our way to class I faked a limp. My method was to slowly increase the limp intensity the closer we got to the class because this was the only chance I had to execute this. As limp intensifies they finally ask what happened. "I got into an accident a while ago and had to do knee surgery" to which their response was "damn, that sucks." I'll take it. I'm sure they were holding back tears of empathy with that comment.

I find it in general that people will go the extra mile for people with injuries. Sympathy can be a way to have people to drop their guard down. While their guard is down you can make requests that they'll be more inclined to follow through. In my case above I didn't really have a request or a task that I could've asked my fellow player where my fake injury would compel them to do anything.

Taking advantage of someone's willingness to help someone with an injury can be a way to be exploited. I would find it acceptable to fake an injury so that I don't have to dance. I cannot dance to save my life so I would find it morally alright to spare myself the embarrassment. I've experienced first hand the abuse of lying about an injury specifically at theme parks. People with disabilities or injuries usually get to go to the front of the line. There are people with real problems and there are people just taking advantage of the system which is pathetic in my opinion.

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