Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Social Engineering Task #4

1.My assignment was to get a store/vendor to give em a discount on a product.  

2. I needed cedar rings to get rid of the moths that are in my closet, so I went to the mothball section.  I saw that there were only 3 packages of these cedar rings, so I took them all and there was a 4th sort of off to the side, I took that package as well, but it was already opened.  

3.  The steps I took to accomplish this were to just go to the counter and politely ask the cashier to discount the package since there were two rings missing.  She said sure and gave me a 10% discount.  Not much, but who cares, I got the assignment accomplished.  

4.  Could people use this to their advantage, sure.  This case is nortoriously known in the airline world. 


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