Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Social Engineering Task 1

My task was to switch the seat with other fellow student. When i saw that task i was so confused that how i can do this task because no one want to switch their seat with other person. So i wait for right time till next half hour. And its was lucky time for me to do that in class. Luckily our professor gave us one group task work in class to do. So i was pretending that i was not comfortable with seat and i told the guy who was seating next to me, so i ask him can i switch the seat for 5 min. So first he was kind of confuse that why i want to do that but still he switch the seat with me. That how i complete my task.

 It sound interesting but not secure able according to other fellow because  he was using computer for his work and if i can , i can use his work for myself. But i said him to log off his account and all his stuff.  

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