Sunday, February 5, 2017

Ethics Assignment #1

Situation: Anonymous hacks and defaces the website of a white supremacist organization called The Nationalist Movement.

Claim: I believe this action was wrong

Argument: In this country, we have the right to freedom of speech.  We are free to have our own opinions and beliefs and to voice them.  We are also free to disagree with other people's opinions and beliefs and to voice those as well.  Just because we may disagree with another person's opinion, does not give us the right to vandalism their property, and in this case the website is the property of the organization hosting it.  The Nationalist Movement was not breaking any laws in having a website and posting their message and beliefs but what Anonymous did is nothing short of vandalism.  What if Anonymous physically painted their opposing view on the front of the building housing the organization's head quarters?  Is it fair to say Anonymous was justified because you share their opinion?  I do not see a difference between painting a swastika on the front of a temple or hacking the congregation's website and putting the swastika on the homepage.  Most people would consider this act wrong and unjustified, in fact it is a hate crime.  I do not see Anonymous' actions as being any different from this regardless of how I feel about the Nationalist Movement.

Principle: The underlying principle of my argument is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

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