Saturday, February 25, 2017

Social Engineering Task #5

Execution - My task was to get a business to give me something for free.  I accomplished my task by getting a free upgrade at Enterprise car rental. 

Method - I had reserved a compact car for $56/day. When I arrived at my destination I was brought to a Toyota Camry parked next to a 2016 Jeep Cherokee.  I asked if I could take the Jeep instead to which they agreed but said it would cost $5 more per day.  I agreed and took the car.  After returning from my trip I called customer service and asked why I was charged $61/per day rather than the $56 as stated on my reservation.  She explained that I had reserved
a compact car but was given a standard car.  I replied that I was given the standard car because there were no compact cars available when I arrived.  She apologized for the mistake and refunded the difference.

Application - Many businesses believe in the mantra "the customer is always right" therefore they are quick to appease customer complaints with refunds, discounts, or free things.  It is easy for someone to take advantage of this.  For example, in my previous job, one repeat customer knew that he could get free parking if he waited to pay at the last minute then complain when his free hour went one minute into the next hour which incurred a charge.  I have also had friends who wait tables state that customers would order food, consume it completely, then complain about the quality with the result of the item being removed from the bill.  A person could use this complaint tactic to test a target to see how far they can push them to get something for free.

Ethical Reflection - If there really had not been a compact car available I would have been justified in complaining about the overcharge.  When a business fails to provide a customer with a quality experience, I believe they owe the customer some compensation, however it is unethical to take advantage of businesses as they need to turn a profit so their employees/owners can make a living.  When a customer lies to get something for free, it is no different than stealing, and I feel pretty guilty about lying to enterprise. 

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