Monday, February 6, 2017


I found my article quite interesting. Anonymous, a group involved with acts of cyber terrorism takes down a website used by ISIS, an organization that engages in actual physical acts of terrorism to share and move propaganda.

Claim: while both groups seem to have an anti government agenda their methods are completely different in that while ISIS may engage in acts of cyber terrorism as well, Anonymous has not been known to engage in bloody acts of physical brutality in order achieve an objective. I would state that the act was justified and should be encouraged.

Argument: Making no mistake that Anonymous is still an anti government group that operates outside the law, the fact that this group would still turn their attention from anti government anti big business activities to attack a terrorist Organization devoted to the slaughter of religious minorities, oppression and enslavement of women and the Islamization of the west is some what heroic.

Principle: don't always assume the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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