Monday, February 6, 2017

Ethics Blog Post Assignment (1/31) Response

Here's where I got my article from:


A hacker who belongs to "Anonymous", hacked and turn down over 10K dark websites.

Though the hacker claims they had no intention of taking down the hosting site, once they found out this hosting site provides services to mostly child pornography websites, they decided to take down the hosting to over 10K website on behalf of Anonymous and claiming that this group is not in favor and doesn't tolerate the exploitation of child pornography.

Understanding that hacking is an illegal activity and thus a felony, and also understanding the nature of the attack. Because of moral convictions, I do not condone the hacking, the lost of information, the security breach nor the exposure of the identity of all these people who participate, pay or engage in child pornography.

It is difficult for me to take other side but the hacker's. I understand that what this person did is illegal and penalized by the law. But when I think of the big picture, I realize this hacking is not necessarily bad, taking into account the type of wed servers hosted by this company and their purpose. I imagine that if the person is arrested, charges will be pressed but I would rather see how all the people that exploit child pornography arrested instead of seeking prosecution for the hacker.

I think what they did was for the greater good. After all, it is really difficult to take down such a big industry as it is child pornography. The authorities do their best but still, many more of these sites emerge from the dark web. An attack to these people doesn't seem like a crime to me, when I look at it from my moral perspective.

Child pornography exploits minors and profits from the pain and suffering of these children and their families. This also violate a child's freedom and well being/health civil rights and as if respecting these children basic civil rights was not enough, this type of activity and commerce is against the law.

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