Tuesday, February 14, 2017


The learning you are doing on Google hacking/dorking raises important questions of privacy.  In our discussions and studies of ethics, the question of privacy will be our focus for the next two weeks.

In preparation for next week's class (February 21) please read:

Excerpts from Warren and Brandeis, "The Right to Privacy"


Anita Allen, "The Virtuous Spy: Privacy as an Ethical Limit" 

And consider this guiding question: When (if ever) is it right to intrude on another's privacy?  Is privacy a "right"?

Be ready to discuss this and related questions in class.

In preparation for class on February 28, please read:

Anita Allen, "An Ethical Duty to Protect One's Own Information Privacy?"

Anita Allen, "Protecting One's Own Privacy in a Big Data Economy," 

And consider this guiding question: When (if ever) is it morally obligatory to protect and defend one's privacy?  Is privacy an obligation? 

Be ready to discuss this and related questions in class.

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