Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Social task #8

What was my task?

Convince a fellow player to give you their unlocked phone send yourself some data from their phone?

Did i accomplish my task?
Yes i was able to accomplish my task.

How I did it?

This was very easy task for me because now we are all friends in class and it gets a little easier when you want to borrow something from a friend rather than a stranger. So how I did it was after class I turned my cellular data off my phone went up to a fellow player and just asked him if I could use his phone to make an urgent phone call to my friend so he could puck me up  I showed him my phone is out of coverage area so he handed me his phone and I made the call the next thing was asked if I could use his map to just see the way to the destination so he gave me his phone and I opened google maps and  just when he was not looking I just sent a picture using whatsapp and then deleted the chat after that. 

What my experience in this task was how some people can take advantage of good relationships and their trust. 

People could use this trick and send their bank information and personal information like address, pictures and mis use all that information.

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