Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Social Engineering Task#10 (Final)

Execution: My task was to get an access to any kind of account of a fellow player. I completed it successfully with the evidence.

Method: This is a final social engineering task and I chose it by myself. I got the username and password of a fellow player’s Cisco Netacard account. I know my friend always need my help while doing Cisco pt assignments. We do together by sitting next to each other. But this time I want to get his username and password to complete my task. I already has his username but when he was entering his password my focus was on his keyboard and I got it in one attempt.

Application: The technique I used to complete my task can be performed with friends, co-workers and strangers too. The main weapon is focus and prediction. If you will watch someone’s computer all the time then he might feel scared to login his account but if you will predict the exact time when he is logging in and just focus on that part of time then you will achieve. In the real life situations key stroking is one of the main tool used in hacking. People should have to login in safe areas. Bad guys always attempt to get an easy access.

Ethical Reflection: To get an access into someone’s account, ethically it is wrong. If you know someone’s behavior is changed, he might cause harm to individual or organization. Then you can attempt to get into his personal email account to check whats going on in his mind. That will be morally right. On the other hand if someone is doing this in a purpose to get an access for bank account or causing harm that it would not be morally right.

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