Monday, April 10, 2017

Social Engineering Task #9

Execution: My task was to get a fellow player to let me take a selfie on their phone. The task was accomplished.

Narrative/method: My approach was pretty straightforward: turn to the player next to me in class and ask them if I can take a selfie on their phone. I got the okay, and they got a selfie of me. Win-win situation.

Application: Anyone can be bold enough to ask strangers to let them take a selfie on their phone. The problem comes when the person asking to take a selfie has bad intentions. If someone hands over their phone to let a stranger take a selfie, there is a chance the stranger might run off with the phone, and if you have been neglecting cardio lately and the stranger hasn't, there is a chance they'll get away.

Ethical reflection: It's normal to see people taking selfies on other people's phones. Friends and couples do it all the time. There is no problem with that. It becomes a problem when people, such as in the example described above, have bad intentions from the beginning.

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