Tuesday, April 25, 2017

final project

Describe a case:
The topic that I choose is that a 15 year-old teenage hacker arrested over FBI computer hack. A teenager from Scotland got arrested by British Police for breaking into the FBI Systems on 16th February. “A Police Scotland spokesman said: 'Following a search of a property in the Glasgow area on Tuesday, February 16, a 15-year old male was arrested in connection with alleged offences under the Computer Misuse Act 1990.”. He is a member of the hacktivist group named “Cracka with Attitude”.
Moral reasoning:
I think what he did is totally wrong, because he actually hacked into the FBI systems, which are extremely private. Under the Computer Misuse Act 1990  of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, he broke the law of “Unauthorised access to computer material” (section 35). In my opinion, FBI is an powerful agent of the United States, all of their information are sensitive. Breaking into the FBI computer system could be damage very important information, or at least leading the way for other hackers to the next attacks. As my knowledge, the FBI employees nearly 35000 people, what would happen if those people got leaks of their information, such as phone number, email address; and they would be in sensitive positions too. “If they can’t secure their digital doors, there’s no reason to think any branch of government can.”
The example of FBI information leaks is that hacker publishes contact info for 20,000 FBI employees.
These information leaks have done by the “Cracka with Attitude” group – where the boy is a member of it. The information of about 9,000 DHS (Department of Homeland Security) employees and 20,000 FBI agents have leaked out. That information including: Names, Job titles, phone numbers, email addresses.
As I know, the FBI is an intelligence-driven and threat-focused national security organization, it investigates international terrorism, foreign counterintelligence, cyber crime. So it would hold a ton of information related to major concerns. When the hackers gain the access to the FBI computer systems, they would break into that information, how dangerous it is when that information is given to the bad guys’ hands.
While doing this research, I also concern that the FBI is one of the US intelligence agency. They probably have strong security, but they still got hacked, got leaked of information of their employees. How strong do other organizations need to protect their consumers? Whenever we sign up for something online, we are feeding the Big Data, and our privacy is threatened by hackers.
I chose Anita L. Allen.
“While individuals have a moral responsibility to protect their own privacy, Big Data represents a challenge that points to the need for collective and political approaches to self-protection rather than solely individual, atomistic approaches. Fortunately, although business and government are “all in” with Big Data, privacy concerns are getting some of the attention they deserve from policymakers and researchers. As we push business and government to address the complex threat to privacy posed by Big Data, we can also look forward to ways Big Data may improve the experience of privacy and private life.”
As Allen says, Big Data is a threat with our privacy. A lot of hackers out there, try to get our information anytime. The hacking act of the 15 year old boy is one of many examples of hacking into the US agency. As I’ve talked above, our information in the data of many organization is in the threat too.

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