Tuesday, April 25, 2017

ASSIGNMENT: Ethics final project

Description : I chose the case of Edward Snowden, the whistle blower who revealed very sensitive and information which we would never have known had he not decided to reveal it. 




I believe that mister Snowden has made a life mistake to reveal that the U.S government spies on its citizens, although i think that the fact that he revealed this information to the public is very wrong, it has well served many other terrorist groups that would now change their way of recruiting their ways of people. Ethically, his decision was right, from a point of view of National Security analysts, it was wrong and i believe that he made the wrong decision because having the U.S government collecting information or listen to our conversations is no of my interests since their argument is to track terrorists wherever they might go. Also if one is certain that they are not planning to commit attacks or terrorist attacks, i do support this cause.  

Moral Reasoning: Edward Snowden's revelation has made me change my stance constantly as every time i read, watch or listen to different philosophers, i seem to come with a new conclusion to it, this will be open for discussion for generations to come, in order for one to make as hard as this judgment call, one has to be equipped with  lots of knowledge about how the U.S government works as well as the laws that apply on the whistle-blowers, given the fact that there is no law in the U.S constitution that protects whistle-blowers such as Snowden's case, it is believed that Edward Snowden would not have had a fair trial had he decided to take the sensitive documents to Congress,many philosophers have come in support of Mister Snowden's revelation as they think that he made the right decision to let this secret out; however, my stance to this matter is that Snowden was a champion of this revelation because although he was aware of the outcomes of this, he still proceeded with his morals and exposed the U.S government on its illegal activity spying on innocent people like you and me. 

Contextualize: Among the most famous philosophers who stood up for mister Snowden revelation is John Perry who voiced out his curiosity strongly and agreed with mister Snowden when he decided to reach out to a journalist from the Guardian and asked him to reveal what the U.S government against the will of innocent and law-abiding citizens being spied on without their knowledge, professor John Perry said something that is actually very intriguing, he said that if the U.S government is really frustrated with mister Snowden's decision because he made the country vulnerable to terrorists, then count how many terrorist attacks have taken place after Snowden's revelation with how many terrorist attacks have taken and still taking place all over the world, it is very surprising that the number grows dramatically which suggests that the U.S government along with mister Snowden previous co-workers who believe that the country became more vulnerable and easy targeted by other terrorist organizations are statistically wrong. He also suggested that there should be more people if there is any to expose and confront the U.S government to stop its illegal activities and actually do our part as law-abiding citizens to actually dis-empower the government that occasionally puts GPS tracking devices under random people's cars and track their daily activities.He added that the government contributes to other companies and actually helps other organizations get people's emails as well as their personal information to send advertisements as well as sending credit cards under their names to convince them to become their customers. It is very astonishing to me that one of the if not THE greatest country on earth sells or gives away our personal information to companies in exchange of some sort of pay back to that company.  


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