Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Ethical Hacking Final Assignment Outline

Describe a Case
For my case I have chosen was the case of a hacker causing mass panic in Dallas by setting off all 156 emergency sirens at once. This attack happened on Friday April 7, 2017 around 11:40 p.m. and lasted until 1:20 am Saturday. This caused the 911 system to become flooded with over 4,400 calls from panicked residents. The hacker set of the sirens by compromising the Dallas city's emergency alert system. The residents were more frightened this time then any other time due to the timing of the attack considering earlier on in the day there was a terrorist attack in Sweden and also on Thursday the US began attacking an air base in Syria.




This hack was designed to scare everyone while they were all sleeping causing mass hysteria while also causing the 911 call center to become over worked. This may have caused many more problems then were originally intended due to there not being a fully functional 911 call center. The timing of this attack also caused people to become even more scared then they would have been if it was a storm warning because the weather was nice, but the U.S. had begun bombing an airport in Syria along with a terrorist attack that had occurred earlier on in the afternoon. The attackers had no care at all for the citizens of Dallas and their well being. The attack caused the Office of Emergency Management to shut down the city's alarm system until Sunday.

I have not chosen a philosopher.


  1. This is very interesting! I'm not clear about your opinion. Do you think the hacker's actions were wrong? It sounds like you do, but I want to be sure. If so, why were they wrong?

    1. Yes I think the hacker was completely wrong. I will clearly state this when I edit.
