Monday, April 10, 2017

Social Engineering Task 9

My task was to get a fellow player to allow me to wear a piece of their clothing.
Did I Accomplish my task?
I did not accomplish my task because I do not know any fellow players outside of class and it would feel weird to me to ask if I could wear a piece of someone else's clothing.
A person could wear someone else's clothing and go commit a crime or they could ask to borrow a jacket and make a copy of someone's keys.
Ethical Reflection:
A way someone could borrow somebody's clothing and it be considered morally right is if somebody offered a person who was cold their sweatshirt, or if it was raining and you offered someone your jacket. Even if you messed up your clothes and someone offered you something to wear while you washed them could be considered morally right. A person could just as easily do something that would be morally wrong by using someone's clothes as a disguise to commit a crime or to take advantage of that person who is just trying to help them out.

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