Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Social Engineering Task #8

The task I was faced with this week was to find someone who would take a drink that I handed over to them. Which I found to be the easiest task yet. I do this all the time to people.

I do not think that this assignment was unethical, or that it had any dangers from m y part to the people that I know. I also do not think this has any type of cyber crime threat. I also think that as long as a drink is handed to someone that I know it is safe. Also if someone you know offers you a drink it is most likely safe. But it is dangerous if it would have said that I had to offer a drink to a stranger, but it could also not be dangerous.

A random person could try to drug you if you accept a drink from them. But it is not to say that I do not take drinks from strangers all of the time. It is more complicated than this because in fact everyone takes drinks from strangers. When we go to a restaurant, or to a bar strangers are serving us. The danger in these scenarios is to be asses by the situations we are in. Otherwise we should never go out to eat or accept anything from anyone.

The principle of why this is not ethically wrong is because like I said, if we did not accept drinks from strangers then it would mean we would never go out to a restaurant. Now if someone we barely know offers us a drink, and we are uncomfortable then we say no. It is common sense.

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