Monday, April 24, 2017

Ethics Final Project

Hacktivism are attacks on computer systems for political or social agendas.

The cases above exemplify two cases I will believe that hacktivism is not only alright but NEEDED. The first link focuses on the Panama papers where the law firm Mossack Fonseca was hacked exposing some of the world's most powerful people in creating shell companies to conceal their wealth. The second link focuses on the CIA web page getting hacked by the group LulzSec. Both cases have the similarity in targeting and exposing corrupt organizations/entities.

The justice system isn't equal, fast enough, or adequately enforced a lot of the times. While hacktivism is breaking the law it is one of the few times where it is alright to do so. It is done for the greater good of the public and the sake of delivering some much needed justice but also come with accepting the consequences if/when the time comes.

H.L.A Hart's the Concept of Law he argues that there is no relationship between law and morality. They may overlap they but don't inherently share the same foundation. In an age where money and influence dominate the public there is very little that can be morally corrected, that is until the rise of the digital age. The internet has armed the public in the sense that while it is against the law, morally there is a chance to retaliate against organizations/entities that are above both the law and moral standards. We have plenty of laws but very few moral corrections which is where hacktivism can help the balance. 

For the record, all the greedy entities that were exposed through the hack from the Panama Papers rightly deserve it. The CIA for all the mess they stir up also rightly deserve to have been hacked also. Along with every other disgusting organizations on this planet they DESERVE it. If anything the hacks haven't been potent enough.

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