Tuesday, April 11, 2017

ethical hacking assignment #9

My task was to get a classmate to follow me into the bathroom.

Was this hard to accomplish?  No.  I just asked the classmate to follow me into the bathroom and she thought I was going to tell her something.

Application:  I didn't use any specific method to get her to follow me.  I do think because there were a group of people around us and I asked her to follow me, she thought I was going to tell her something that I didn't want others to hear.  When I got her to cross into the bathroom I told her thanks and that she helped me accomplish my task for the day.  She laughed.

Ethical Reflection:  Could this be a bad situation?  Yes, depending on the whole situation.  If the person is not good they could take advantage of someone.  It could also be very innocent, i.e. as it was in this class assignment.

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