Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Social Engineering

What was my task?
Shoulder surf in the library and gather logins and passwords.
Did I accomplish the task?
I did, but I couldn’t accomplish this task.
Method: After class, I went to library to get my task done, there were no seats on the computer section. I used the first method, that I walked slowly around those computers, and tried to look at the computer’s screens while pretending to look for a seat. I couldn’t get the passwords this way. Later, I had a seat, I sat there for half an hour, trying to wait for someone new just got a seat beside. Then I realized that I’m kind of shy, whenever I look at to someone screen, and they look back to me, I will look to another way. That’s why I couldn’t see they were typing their ID.
In public places, there are many bad guys use this method to get your information. I could be anywhere, anytime, and we always forget the surrounding.
Ethical reflection:
Shoulder surfing is the easy way to steal someone information without their knowledge. As always, people don’t cover their phone, or the computer’s keyboard whenever they type their passwords. They would think that it is not necessary to do that, or they would think that they are typing fast enough. To prevent that happens, we should look at the surrounding before typing passwords. 

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