Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Ethical Hacking assignement outline

I chose the Smart TV listening in on people.  I chose this because my parents bought me a Smart TV.  The fact that the TV listens in on people was brought up to me by a friend who is  a bit younger than I am and gets his information on the internet, not the TV.  He is a mellinial and was more into technology than I was at the time.  Sure enough he read about it on Reddit.  This was posted several years ago, I read the article and never thought much about it after I read it.  It wasn't until this whole Trump thing that I started thinking about this article more.  There was more talk about smart TV's and spying.




Reasoning:  I don't feel this hacking is correct as it affects everyone who has a smart TV.  There is no reason for anyone to listen in on someone, or for that matter, everyone who has a smart TV.  The 8th amendment is the only thing that protects us in this matter, but can anyone turn on our tv and survey us, or just our government.  Interesting question since hacking is so real these days and the Government just recently said basically due to the type of world environment we live in these days, it is something that we have to get used to.

philosopher:  I have not chosen one yet.


  1. Interesting! Have you checked out the Warren and Brandeis "The Right to Privacy" article and the Anita Allen articles on privacy that we read earlier in the course? Those could be relevant.

    1. I read them for class. I will go back to them again. Hope you have a nice Easter!
