Monday, April 10, 2017

Social Engineering Task #9

My task was: “Find out where a fellow player will be at 8PM this Saturday”

Did I accomplish it? Yes

I simply asked General Blueberry what where his plans for next Saturday. He answered he was going to the movies. I asked at what time and he said "around 8pmish".

Application: Knowing where someone is going to be could be useful for the attacker to impersonate being a member of the company or try to follow them to get more Intel of what they do during the weekend to plan an attack, or it can even be used to place a phone call with a number that resembles that person's job number

Ethical reflection: Disclosing one's location could be a dangerous thing. If the attacker knows where we are, it can also know when to break into our home to steal the work laptop or other equipment.  A positive application of this is to make sure this person location is not disclosed or that this person has some level of security where is going to be while the security specialist investigates in case someone is trying to impersonate a company's CEO. This is also good Intel to investigate if the person was at a certain location where the attack was attempted to see if they have a credible alibi or not.

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