Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Social engineering post

My task was to get a stranger to wear a piece of my clothing.
Yes, I did it after many times. 
When I got this task, I didn't know what kind of clothes that I would use, then I came up with my hat.  I went to a convenience store and bought a can of Coke, I told to the cashier that he looks a like my brother, that I would like to buy for my brother a hat, I just want to try it on you to see how it fits. Then he agreed to wear my hat, and I asked him to get a picture of him. Then I appreciate him with a smile. 
I lied to him to get my task done. In the real-life situation, people could do the same thing that I did to ask someone to carry something, which would be illegal stuffs, that would be morally wrong. It can happen at the public, people take an advantage of trusting from someone to accomplish the same task.

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