Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Social Engineering Task#9

My social engineering task for this week was to get a business to let me go somewhere where customers are not normally allowed which i completed after going to two different businesses your task? I successfully took a picture of this Dunkin Donuts location where the whole scene took place.

How did you approach your task? Step by step, what did you do to try to accomplish your task?
The way i approached my task is a bit unpredictable, well social engineering tasks have to be unpredictable anyhow, i first went to Starbucks asking for the manager to apply for a job, one of the employees escorted me to his office but did not let me in as there was a sign that says, '' Only for Employees" although i had the intention to go inside, the door was locked, the second time i went to a Dunkin Donuts location where i convinced one of the employees and showed a very good interest in joining the team who asked me to come in to their manager's office, i got in and took a a picture of the person who escorted me in.

The technique i used to accomplish this task can be familiar to some other people and can also be used in real-life situation, lots of things can be done with the information I gained, for instance I can look at the computer's employees social security numbers to open accounts under their name, possibly get access to the manager's accounting for the employees' paychecks. These are the few things i could think of right now; however, i am certain that i can do many other things if i have access to any manager's office.

The ethical issue that was raised while accomplishing this task is the fact that i misled this Dunkin Donuts' employee by saying i wanted to join the team which was not my intention and what i intended to do, it is certainly wrong to mislead anyone with false information in the intention of getting information, it is also immoral and not acceptable to lie to anyone; however, the social engineering tasks might force one to lie or mislead someone to get to certain things.

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