Thursday, April 13, 2017

Ethics Final Project

Case: 25 Million NAVER Accounts Breached using Stolen Data


Description: NAVER is South Korea's largest web portal, which was hacked by hacker named 'Seo', who bought private information including names, residential number, Internet IDs and password of 25 million people from an Anonymous Korean-Chinese. He developed the hacking program that automatically enter users' IDs and passwords. Company's officials said,the best preventive measure for now would be for users to change their passwords on a regular basis so that even if someone should access their accounts the impact would be minimal.  Similarly, earlier , 20 Million Credit Cards in South Korea were stolen in the country of 50 million population, which is approx. 40% population of the country.

Moral Reasoning: Selling or Buying someone's private information is not right at any condition. Using their accounts and sending spam messages and making profit is totally illegal and strict action must be taken. Attempt by 'Seo' is totally wrong and arrest of hacker 'Hong' is not right at some point because he didn't develop the program for this type of hacking. 'Seo' used his software to hack Naver's accounts. The program was not intensionally made for this purpose by Hong.

Contextualize: I need to find philosopher for my project. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like there are some interesting moral issues here. The main one you called attention to in your own reasoning about the case appears to be the issue of privacy. Have you looked at the articles on privacy we considered as a class earlier this semester? That would be a good place to start.
