Monday, April 10, 2017

Social Engineering Challenge # 6

The task:  Convince a stranger to go somewhere with you.
Did I accomplish it? Yes, I did.
I took a picture:

Narrative/method: I had to think for a few days how to approach this task because I am very shy when it comes to socializing with strangers and this requires that. After almost a week while I was at the St. Patrick’s parade in Boston’s Southie when I was walking away from the parade, this stranger stopped me to ask me if I knew walking directions to get to the South End area from there. It happened that I was heading in that direction since it is the best way to avoid the crowded scene at the nearest T stop (broadway station) after the parade. Instead of giving him the directions since I had this task in mind I decided to convince him to come with me, he hesitated at first as he told me that his girlfriend was waiting for him in that area, but I told him I was heading that way so he could just follow me and we could go our ways once we arrived at the destination. He agreed and politely thanked me, although I think he might have found it a bit strange that I also requested to take his picture when we were walking there, I lied and told him I was taking pictures for a project about cultural anthropology and since he was dressed up with some green accessories, it would be great help for my project.
Application: Anybody could have applied my technique in a real life situation because even though he hesitated at first, he trusted me and walked along with me.
Since he was out of town, in a different situation anybody could have taken advantage of him by taking him to a bad area in order to rob him. Also if I was what is known as a creep, I could use all the information I gathered to stalk him or his girlfriend who he met with right after we arrived at the final destination.  
Ethical reflection:   I think that although I lied to him, I did not do anything ethically wrong because it was him who approached me and I helped him getting to where he needed to without any further implications. In a real life situation, he and his girlfriend could have been robbed or stalked because it is not the best decision to randomly walk with a stranger in order to get somewhere, I think if any of this would have taken place this would be morally wrong and illegal.

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