Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Social Engineering Task#8

Execution: My task was to go somewhere and take a picture. I successfully accomplished it with the evidence.
Method: When I got the task I was confused how I can do that. It is very difficult to get into a kind of restricted area. In my college I start my search for a place where I do not supposed to be. In my search I found an official room of the athletics department and the room was opened. I just opened the room and then closed it immediately. I did not want to get in trouble for the task because there was lot of students. I just took a picture and left the place. But that room might have official records of the athletics, names of the team members, information about players and if someone can get in there, then he can steal the information or change the records.
Application: In the real life situation bad guys can use this technique to steel the information of the members, employees and organization officials, moreover they can change the information to cause harm to the company or a specific individual.

Ethical Reflection: In ethical point of view it is totally wrong to go in restricted places. I just did that to accomplish my task. I don’t believe that we have any kind of right to check someone’s records. If somebody will do that, than it must be for one purpose to cause harm to the organization or individual.

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