Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Final Social Engineering Task

My task was to get a co-workers personal email address, which I did.  The proof is below.  What is unique about this is that we usually communicate via regular work email.

The way I went about is was just having a normal conversation with my friend and ask for their email.  We are friends so why would they not give it to me? 

If it is used in a bad way, i.e. sold or put online without the persons permission then that could lead to someone possibly profiling them.  This might not be a good thing, if the person were to be harmed, but at the same time, ancestry.com might lead to some interesting history.  Again it is all in the way it is used.

It has been shown on TV that if you were to get someones plane ticket, much more information is attached to that than just the email itself.  https://blog.kaspersky.com/dont-post-boarding-pass-online/10495/
I personally was pfished not too long ago via my email, and I was pissed when I found out what they did.

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