Monday, April 24, 2017

Final Ethics Assignment Post

My case : 
The case I choose is about hacking attack to health-care industry, and why they're attacking health-care industry. According to article I read, why hackers attack health-care industry is that health-care industry often have a bunch of personal information that could be use for traditional financial fraud. For this reason, over 200,000 patient's information was hacked. Even healthcare industry still developing their security by internet, hackers find a weakness to get into it. These articles are showing that why hackers attack healthcare industry and how much it damaged to healthcare industry.

My Thoughts : 

It is so serious issue for people who have been hospital before or are taking treatments periodically. Recently, hackers use ransomware to get money or information from victims. In this case, hackers are using various virus to invade health care systems. They locked or deleted the data of patients to get money or to sell that information. At this point, It would be bad situation I think. If hospital have emergency moment but they don't have patient record anymore because of attack, they waste golden time to save patients life.

I believe one small act can be change all of things. I would say it as 'butterfly effect'. In hackers perspective, they might have some reason to earn the money for short time, however, it made a huge damage to people who need a treatment or who have visited hospital. Their information was discovered by hackers and they sell that information to other people who might commit the crime for their profit. By selling their personal information, their life can be damaged by any ways. So, it is totally wrong from ethical aspect. 

John Locke quote

"All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions."
-John Locke-

John Locke Connection:
 I believe John Locke would agree with me because he mentioned all human being is equal and independent, and no one ought to harm another in his life. This case is one of the incident that harming other people's life and liberty and possessions. If he hear about this happens, he might be angry to hackers who invade other people life for their profit. I believe John value the privacy of people who do not have control about their personal information by internet attack.

All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.
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All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.
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