Monday, April 10, 2017

Social Engineering Task #7

Execution: My task was to go somewhere I shouldn't be and take a picture as proof.  Below is the evidence that I was able to accomplish this task

Narrative/method: I work in an industrial section of town that has many buildings/properties surrounded by fences with no trespassing signs posted.  I decided that on my lunch break I would walk around and "wonder" into one of these areas.  This property had a fence but no gate and no visible security personnel.  The only evidence that this area may be of some importance was the sign which I took a photo of above.  I lingered a bit to see if anyone would exit the building to tell me to leave the property but no one bothered me. 
Application: I think if someone where researching a business they intended to hack into, wondering on to the property they way I did would be a first step in reconnaissance.  After experiencing that no one seemed to be monitoring your activity, further testing could be accomplished, such as returning in a vehicle to clandestinely scan for Wi-Fi or take photos of employees or physical security measures.

Ethical reflection: The posted sign clearly states I was trespassing and therefore violating the law which I believe is unethical.  As suggested above, if a person intentionally entered the areas to conduct surveillance that would be morally wrong.  However, if someone was simply walking in the area and unintentionally entered the property (there is a shopping center a block over and it would be easy to take a wrong turn or think the two properties were connected) then I believe that would be fine.

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