Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Social task #9

What was my task?
Convince someone you speak a language you don't actually speak.

Did I accomplish the task?

Did I get any proof to show I accomplished it?

How I did it..

This task was a little difficult for me because I had to choose a language that I was a little familiar with and it could't be the language where I actually cone from. So I chose Spanish which I was little familiar with and it was little easy. So what I did I got on the internet and memorised some simple lines of Spanish like  how are you, how's everything going  etc. Then I tried to change my accent so that when I speak it really should sound like real Spanish after that I while i was in class I started asked one of my fellow players that i speak Spanish and if he could speak Spanish with the best part was he also knew Spanish and then started a conversation with i tried to stay on track so that he does't go on the difficult part of the language we had a good conversation for like 5 minutes. He complimented me by saying I speak very nice Spanish in their accent.

My experience in this task was that people could tie up good relationships by speaking different languages according to the people's religion or country. 

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