Monday, April 24, 2017

Social Engineering Task 10

Execution: My task was to "Get someone to allow me to use their debit/credit card to make a purchase."
I did accomplish this task.
Narrative/method: I accomplished this task by going to one of my wife's comedy shows and having a few drinks with one of my friends then closing out my tab. After I had closed out my tab we both wanted more drinks, so he gave me his card to get a couple more drinks and have them charged to his card. On top of getting more drinks I ordered some pizza just to prove a point to him not to leave his card with anybody when he has been drinking.

Application: In a bar or restaurant setting people lower their guards especially when there is alcohol involved becoming more of a social butterfly and trusting people whom they barely know or may not know at all. In these situations people can easily be taken advantage of like I did to my friend with the pizza, but instead of a delicious meal you could end up having your card compromised and find yourself in serious debt. A person could also be talked into committing a crime as well as put in a situation that could have been easily avoided had they been in a right state of mind. There are endless situations someone could fall into if they are taken advantage of when they are impaired in any way shape or form.

Ethical reflection: There are so many ethical issues raised by my task just for the simple reason of it involving taking advantage or manipulating someone into doing something that they wouldn't normally do. I used this task to do something morally right by proving to my friend that you can't just leave your card around even if it is with a friend. As I stated in my application there are several situations that a person could use this in a morally wrong way.

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