Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Ethics writing assignment: Privacy I (due 2/27)

When (if ever) is it right to intrude on another's privacy?  Is privacy a "right"?

List of human rights:

I googled about the topic and found out that privacy indeed is included as part of the fundamental human rights:

Article 12Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence

I had the basic knowledge and is part of general common sense to consider privacy as a right. It's a right that can't be denied nor can be traded in exchange for something else of equal or lesser value (unless someone succeeds executing this idea). It is also a right that can be lost/forgotten/forfeited. And I say this because when we open our doors, add a new Facebook friend or even share our medical information; we're opening the gate of our privacy to whomever is asking for it and getting access granted. In co-relation with how divided we are is the fact that no other form of wealth is as important as data/information. Being able to know what the general population needs, it's afraid of, wants but is not a basic need is a way of utilizing free-will and our right to express ourselves to disable our right to privacy.

I consider privacy a very important part of my life and so I think most of us consider privacy a right to bear no matter what. With that in mind, we can also fall into believing that because privacy is a right we have we can't lose it. I think that if a person is a threat to themselves or to others surrounding them, we need to evaluate if investigating this person in depth is indeed not going to affect others. If someone is threatening with hurting themselves or an entire country/state/city/town we must step in and re-evaluate if that person should continue withholding information that may put themselves or others in danger. In a way, is a form to protect individuals and the core well-being of our society as whole. In conclusion, privacy is a right but it's a right which its integrity status is always in our hands. It depends on how we chose to protect it or give it away with our actions.

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