Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Final Project Assignment 1

For my case I have decided to talk about the Ashley Madison hack that happened on July 2015. Where the sites database was hacked and 32 million people who used cheating website Ashley Madison were exposed. The database was eventually posted online and people were able to search through and find the names of their loved ones.

 has made its way to the Web. And it's easily searchable on several websites.




I believe this hack was wrong. I am not saying that those people on that site were doing the moral thing themselves but they signed up believing they had privacy. Once this information was leaked a lot of peoples reputations were tarnished. Marriages ended and people were embarrassed. Again, this is also by fault  of their own for signing up to this site but they had a right to do this in privacy. Especially the fact that the names were made searchable on the web took this hack a step further into even more of an ethical wrong. They were not breaking any laws by using this site, they were just jeopardizing everything else in their life which is their choice. Yet if this service was meant to be a way for them to do it in secret then it should have stayed that way. In my personal opinion they deserved it but from an ethical opinion this should not of happened.

For my philosopher I chose Judith Butler.

"if commitment is to be alive, that is, if it is to belong to the present,
then the only commitment one can make is to commit oneself again and
again. “I love you and I choose you again and again.” I did not just choose
you once, but I continued to choose you, and what there is of me in my
speech is given to you again and again through this speech act, declara-
238 Response
tion, vow, and promise, one that binds me to you in the present, whatever
present that happens to be. That means as well that one binds oneself to
the process of becoming different as circumstances demand, which means
that in all repetition, there is unknowing. One agrees to commit one’s love
again, unknowingly again."

I chose her because she believed commitment is absurd. That we can only promise to be committed to ourselves. If that is the case then these people were like I said, not breaking laws and if commitment is absurd then there was nothing wrong with what they were doing and deserved their rights to privacy.

1 comment:

  1. Judith Butler is a really interesting choice here! She's an incredibly important philosopher. If you want to use her ideas on commitment, you definitely need to address the idea of commitment in your own argument, and you need to summarize the case in a way that highlights commitment so that you can successfully integrate idea about how you have to renew commitment every moment. As long as you can make that connection successfully I'm okay with this choice.
