Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Social Engineering Task #10 - Final Task

My task was: “Talk to a perfect stranger and find out where they work or study and any other information I could get from them
Did I accomplish it? Yes
I added someone in FB and started a conversation with them about literature and poetry. I knew that the person was into literature and so it was easy for me to start the conversation. I used the excuse that we're from the same country according to FB and we talked about where they work and what did they study. This person is an independent write and a style/grammar corrector professional. This is what they do for living and they studied at the American Bi cultural School to study philosophy. I think I did a really good job with this task. Below you can find proof of what I did. I even got their phone number and we talked through Whatsapp. 
Application: This is an incredible dangerous activity for the target and for the attacker. Why? Because the attacker can't get caught. Imagine the person realized the attacker has malicious intentions to steel their work laptop or finally get to know them in person just to steal their work badge ID. It is dangerous for the target for obvious reasons.  Being too open and talk to strangers could be dangerous in so many ways. The victim can compromise the company's assets and even their network once the attacker gets a hold on these with the victim's laptop or their badge to pretend to be them.
Ethical reflection: Disclosing personal information with strangers that have no other but malicious intentions to attack the person itself or their work place it's dangerous. This task helped me understand how important it is to keep ones life private and to be more cautious with whom I let in and open my personal/work life to. Very friendly, easy questions with what it seems an unimportant value or answer can help the attacker become a major problem and grant them access to the company resources he/she didn't know about before applying social engineering to the perfect target.


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