Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Social Task #9

My task:  Figure out the waking time of a fellow player without asking them. Yes, I accomplished it.

Method: My task was to figure out the waking time of fellow player, I did this task with Blue Hulk. His waking time is between 6:30 am and 7:00 am. In this class, some of us have each other’s contact information. I send him a good morning text and asking some information late night around 3am and I did same thing couple of days after. Both times he read the message in between 6:30am – 7:00am. So, I think that is the time he wakes up at that time.

Application: I didn’t apply any specific techniques. In addition, I can’t be that dangerous too if you get someone’s waking time. Unless they are your loved ones and you want to give surprises, then as well, if you want to do anything on their system or social media or work place, it is best time for you when they are away and you know when they will be up and what time I should complete that task.

Ethically Reflection:  If you know what time other person is going to wake up. You can plan a surprise for them, if you want to do it morally right. Otherwise, you can harm them to if you know their schedule of sleep.

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